Risorse per il digitale a scuola



DigComp 2.2 italiano

Registrazione del convegno di presentazione del DigComp 2.2 in italiano – Ministero dell’Istruzione e del Merito – 24/3/2023


IEA ICILS 2018 – Presentazione ufficiale dei risultati

Key messages
1. Digital natives are not digital experts: Young people do not develop sophisticated digital skills just by growing up using digital devices

2. Providing students or teachers with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) equipment alone is not enough to improve their digital skills. Students need to be taught how to use computers effectively and teachers need support in their use of ICT in teaching

3. Teachers are more likely to promote Computer and Informational Literacy (CIL) and Computational Thinking (CT) in their teaching if they are confident users of ICT; they have positive views towards ICT; they feel their school has a collaborative approach to the use of ICT in teaching

4. There is a digital divide relating to the socioeconomic status, home access to devices and years of experience of using devices

5. Differences in students’ Computer and Information Literacy (CIL) scores within countries are larger than the differences between countries

6. Gender differences: Girls tend to perform better than boys in CIL. On average, boys perform better than girls in CT but the differences are not consistent

7. Students use computers more outside than inside school and more for leisure than for other purposes

8. On average, students & teachers have positive attitudes towards Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education & society but they also acknowledge potential areas of concern


IEA ICILS 2018 – Press Release


IEA ICILS 2018 – Sintesi dei risultati italiani a cura di INVALSI


MyDigiSkills  – Un test online per autovalutare i livelli di padronanza nelle cinque aree del DigComp


Altro esempio di curricolo digitale: Crea la tua impronta digitale – rete con capofila Liceo di Ceccano (RM)


Common Sense Education – sito web USA dedicato alla cittadinanza digitale, un’autentica miniera di risorse. Alcune parti sono state tradotte e inserite all’interno di Programma il Futuro


Tempi digitali – Atlante dell’infanzia a rischio 2023 – Save The Children
